Exodus 15:22-27 "Who is God?" Part 3

Guest Speaker March Villareal picks up in Exodus 15 with 4 key points so that the children of Israel, and we, may know that He is God.

  1. Travel

  2. Transformation

  3. Test

  4. Tranquility

God brings us to the end of our limitations just to show us our desperate need for dependency on Him. HIs grace is sufficient for us, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. God already knows our skill set. We are put through tests for us to also understand ourselves. Key take away points are:

  1. See God as the Lord of the whole spectrum

  2. See the value of the journey not the destination

  3. Respond well to trouble

  4. Remember tests are for us (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

This message can also be heard on Podcast and viewed on YouTube.

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